Monday, July 27, 2009

On a date, it just might be a bad idea to...

I'll start...comment and add yours, or add one for a friend.

At the end I'll make a top 10 list :)

1. Throw money at your date. (True story). Unless of course your "date" is a stripper, and actually on the clock at the moment. But in that case, she's not really your date is she? Your sort of sharing, and you need to get out more...or at least get on match.


  1. 2. Tell the guy your on a date with you've already have had 5 abortions.

  2. . . .drive her back to "your place," where you live with your parents, proceed to argue with your parents in front of her (probably about her) in a language she can't understand, then take her to "chill" in your room with some wine coolers you stole from your mom's stash while you heat things up by showing her your illicit weapons collection (true story, I swear!).

  3. on the first date, tell your date that you did something a while back that when people hear about it - even close friends - they never want to talk to you again. ...and then say your ex broke up with you because of your self-destructive tendencies. [that's attractive!]

  4. *accidentally* let it slip that you were on dateline a couple of years ago... for reasons it's too early in the relationship to say.

  5. for the second date, tell the girl that you'll meet her at night in the parking lot of an animal hospital, an then go to the restaurant from there. yes, that happened, and no, i did not go!

  6. take your date, who enjoys all types of music except for heavy metal, to a bizzare Goth metal club where she is the only non-Goth, then proceed to scream along and seize to the deafening noise while she stands and stares, and top it all off with a trip to the drive-thru for dinner on the way home (also true!).

  7. wake up the next morning at a dirty motel where the sink is outside the bathroom (and not remember how you got there or where you are . . .true).

  8. call and cancel the first date because you're hung over and ask to reschedule for another time. This actually happened to me once (and I actually went out with him at the rescheduled time).
